
Clinton widens lead over Trump

Hillary Clinton has opened up a sizable lead over Donald Trump, according to a new national poll out Tuesday — the third survey in less than two days showing the Democrat bounding ahead of the GOP presidential nominee.

The NBC News/SurveyMonkey online weekly tracking poll finds Clinton surging and Trump slipping, with Clinton now holding an eight-point lead, 50 percent to 42 percent. Last Tuesday the same poll found Clinton ahead by only a single point, 46 percent to 45 percent.

The poll found that most of the people (58 percent) who watched Clinton’s convention speech last week in Philadelphia thought it was “excellent” or “good.” Forty-four percent of the poll’s respondents say they watched the speech.

The poll also found that President Obama’s approval rating is at 52 percent — a three-point increase from the previous week.

As for Tim Kaine, Clinton’s VP pick, those who know him like him, but many still are unfamiliar with the Virginia senator. Thirty percent view Kaine favorably and only 23 percent view him unfavorably; 46 percent don’t have an opinion of him.

On Monday, a CNN poll had Clinton up nine points, and a CBS survey had her with a seven-point advantage.

The NBC News/SurveyMonkey online poll surveyed 12,742 registered voters and was taken July 25-31.