US News

Al Franken claims ‘megalomaniac studies’ degree from Trump University

PHILADELPHIA – Al Franken went to Harvard University, but at the Democratic National Convention, he’s claiming a degree from Trump University instead.

The former “Saturday Night Live” comedian — who’s now a Minnesota senator — jokes that he’s a “world-renowned expert on right-wing megalomaniacs: Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and now, Donald Trump.”

Franken adds: “Now a little about my qualifications. I got my doctorate in megalomaniac studies from Trump University.”

Trump — the Republican presidential nominee — faces lawsuits accusing him of defrauding customers at the now-defunct Trump University, which sold real estate seminars.

Franken asked the crowd of delegates if they knew that “Trump University’s School of Ripping People Off is ranked second in the nation, right behind Bernie Madoff University?”