US News

Obama says Hillary’s email server was just ‘a mistake’

President Obama said Hillary Clinton’s email server was a “mistake,” but it’s more important that she’s on the “right” side on the big issues facing the country.

“I’ve made mistakes. I don’t know any president or public official at her level who aren’t going to look back and say, “I should have done something like that differently,’” Obama said on “Face the Nation.”

“But what I would also say is that the consistency with which she has devoted her life to trying to make sure that kids get healthcare and a good education, and that families are getting a fair break if they’re working hard, and that America upholds its best traditions of foreign policy– on the big stuff, she’s got it right.”

Earlier this month, the FBI declined to recommend criminal charges in its yearlong investigation but found she was “extremely careless” by sending or receiving 110 emails that were classified and failing to turn over all of her work related email to the State Department despite claiming otherwise.

The email server remains central to the GOP’s campaign against Clinton, demonstrated by repeated chants during the Republican National Convention of “Lock her up!.”

Meanwhile, Obama continued to brand GOP nominee Donald Trump as unfit for the presidency.

The commander-in-chief rebuked Trump for his anti-Muslim rhetoric as “ultimately helping do ISIL’s work” and his talk of disengaging with NATO as “indication of the lack of preparedness that he has been displaying with it comes to foreign policy.”

On a lighter note, Obama revealed two pieces of advice his predecessor President George W. Bush gave him: “trust yourself” and “Always use Purell hand sanitizer. Because if you don’t, you’re going to get a lot of colds because you shake a lot hands.”