
Brooklyn teen about to have the coolest summer ever

This Brooklyn teen’s summer is about to get really cool.

Angela Zeng, 18, of Bensonhurst is gearing up for a once-in-a-lifetime, two-week educational expedition into the Arctic.

The Brooklyn Tech grad is one of 120 international high school and college students chosen to the partake in the icy journey and the first ever Asian-American to win a full scholarship from the Beatrice Snyder Foundation, which funds the program.

“I’m really excited on meeting new people from around the world,” said Zeng Tuesday at a formal sendoff at the Chinese-American Planning Council. “Meeting just the people who live in the Arctic regions, just to know how they live their lifestyles and what they go through, I think that would also enlighten me and I’m really excited about that.”

Zeng’s excursion will begin Thursday when she flies to Ontario. She will the head to Quebec and board a ship exploring the eastern Canadian Arctic before crossing the Davis Strait into western Greenland.

Gregory P. Mango

During the scientist-guided adventure, Zeng will polar-bear watch, kayak through the Arctic, and participate in hands-on scientific research, workshops, and hikes. She will also learn about climate change and ocean conservation.

Zeng said she is going through a range of emotions.

“I actually feel a bit of everything because I’ve never been to the Arctic before, obviously, so I’m kind of scared of what situations I’m going to bump into but for the most part I’m really excited.”

The excursion is part of the Students on Ice program – a global initiative that aims to educate young students about the significance of Earth’s Polar Regions.

“I decided this was an opportunity I needed to take in and really take advantage of because no one really goes to the Arctic, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity,” said Zeng.

The teen has big plans on pursuing neurobiology in her academic career.

“I’d like to be a neuroscientist but so far that’s just a dream of mine,” she said. “If not environmental science is definitely another passion of mine.”