
‘Craven’ career criminal gets 51 years behind bars

A Manhattan judge blasted a 48-year-old career criminal for her “lack of a soul” and called her a “plague on society” before tossing her in prison for 51 years to life for robbing two women, one at gunpoint, in Manhattan.

“This case provided in the trial itself, a window into the lack of compassion, the lack of a soul, the utter self-centeredness of this defendant,” said Justice Edward McLaughlin of defendant Robin Hamilton.

The hardened thug, who has 21 criminal convictions, including 17 for violent felonies, was found guilty at trial of robbery, kidnapping and burglary among other raps.

Hamilton and three cohorts, who were never caught, robbed two women moments apart in the East Village on July 30, 2013.

“She is so craven that she likes to hear women screaming in terror,” McLaughlin said in Manhattan Supreme Court. “Not content merely to relieve them of their property but to inflict emotional harm on an individual is really a ghastly personal trait.”

The judge said the hefty sentence brought her crime spree to an end then quipped, “Unless of course you get into a fracas in your old hometown of Bedford Hills (Correctional Facility).”

Prosecutors argued for a term of no less than 40 years to life.

‘This case provided… a window into the lack of compassion, the lack of a soul, the utter self-centeredness of this defendant.’

 - Justice Edward McLaughlin

“The well of compassion, mercy and hope that does run deeply through New York sentencing guidelines, and particularly these halls, is not without the bottom,” said ADA Aaron Ginandes.

“By her own perpetual deeds, Ms. Hamilton has forfeited any further legal or moral claim to draw from that pool.”

Defense lawyer Kevin Canfield said that Hamilton “continues to assert her innocence in this case” and asked the judge to access that well of compassion and give her a “fair sentence.”

Victim Eva Brandeburg of Michigan testified at trial that after a night out with friends, she flagged down what she thought was a gypsy cab at about 4:45 a.m., court records show.

Brandenburg, who had been drinking, said that when she found herself sitting in the car with four people, she thought it was a shared ride, prosecutors said.

She even asked the driver to pull over so she could pull out cash from an ATM.

When she got back into the car, the driver put a gun to her head and demanded money.
She handed over her belongings and pleaded with the thugs to let her go. But they held her captive for over an hour while she kicked and screamed.