Hondo eyes big two-do

Hondo returned to action after a no-play Monday and nailed it Tuesday night with the Rangers, who hammered the Sawx to increase the runaway earnings to 2,719 whitakers.

Wednesday night: Mr. Aitch will give nods to Perez and Fulmer, who have become two of the starring studs in his Stable of Stalwarts — 20 units apiece on the Rangers and Tigers.

Sources say Hillary Clinton has a new campaign ad coming out in which she stresses her good point by declaring: “Sure, I can be extremely careless and reckless and I lie a lot, but I wasn’t indicted, so vote for me!” … Since Attorney General Loretta Lynch is expected to follow the FBI’s recommendation that Hillary not be indicted, Bubba should express his gratitude the next time he and Lynch catch up during a chance tête-à-tête on a tarmac … Adding to the horrific stench emanating from D.C. Tuesday morning was the fortuitous timing of FBI Director James Comey’s announcement, which prevented Obama from having to make a campaign appearance later in the day in Charlotte with a candidate under federal investigation.