
It’s time for Uncle Sam to stop funding Palestinian terror

Just what will it take to cut off US funding for Palestinian terror?

That question has taken center stage amid the wave of murderous “lone wolf” attacks against Israeli civilians, egged on by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Thursday, a Palestinian killed a sleeping 13-year-old girl in the West Bank. The next day, another opened fire on a car, killing a dad and wounding his wife and two kids.

Since September, the terror spree has left 40 dead and 430 injured. And every one of the terrorists — or their families — gets a hefty reward from Abbas’ PA.

Meanwhile, hundreds of millions flow to the PA from the West, including America. Which means US tax dollars are, in effect, going to pay for terrorist acts. (And here you thought we were fighting terror.)

Congress may be finally moving to end the outrage. Both houses are considering legislation to cut US aid to the PA by the amount given to Palestinian terrorists and their families. The key will be to make the bill loophole-proof, as the PA has skirted earlier attempts to curb its terror subsidies.

To be sure, some warn against cutting aid to Abbas & Co. for any reason. They fear it could destabilize the closest thing to a moderate regime the Palestinians may ever have.

Israeli officials have made that point. But the latest attacks spurred Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government this week to roll back the amount of Palestinian tax revenue it hands the PA, by deducting what the PA pays to its killers.

“Payouts to terrorists and their relatives constitute an incentive to murder,” a government statement said. No kidding.

Sending US tax dollars to the PA, only to see them go to reward terror, is a moral obscenity.

Congress should do all it can to curb the practice — pronto.