
Homeless man behind poop attacks gets busted

Now he’s the one in deep doo-doo.

A feces-flinging fanatic who attacked two women on Monday has been captured in a Brooklyn homeless shelter after cops received a tip late Thursday, sources said.

Charges are pending against the man, who was being questioned at Manhattan’s Special Victims Unit in East Harlem.

Police have not officially named the man but sources identified him as 42-year-old Ekwan Hill.

In the first attack, a 33-year-old woman was walking when she was struck by feces in the face and torso at about 4:30 p.m. in front of 67 E. 91st St.

Then, at about 6 p.m., a 27-year-old woman was walking on East 74th Street near First Avenue when a man came up from behind, grabbed her by the waist and made a dung deposit down her pants.

He grabbed her buttocks and then tossed what appeared to be a pair of gloves on the sidewalk and fled.

“It’s the same person,” Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said Thursday. “You can tell by video clips we got … we’ll arrest him as soon as we can. One time he smeared, the other time he threw (feces). Very deranged person, from what we can tell.”