Don’t talk s–t about Erin Andrews’ boyfriend

The trolls of the Internet better find a new hobby because Erin Andrews is done being a punching bag.

The 38-year-old sports broadcaster batted away multiple Twitter jabs this week, including a shot at hockey-playing boyfriend Jarett Stoll, who was busted for cocaine in Las Vegas last year.

While the loudmouth attempted to get back into Andrews’ good graces by claiming he’s a fan, another troll decided to go one step further by taking aim at her looks.

“@ErinAndrews I suggest you find a good plastic surgeon in a few years, remember what happened to Pam Oliver,” the user tweeted Wednesday.

Instead of ignoring the remark, Andrews fired back with a deafening quip of her own.

“@judebond101 no I don’t … but when u man up and stop hiding behind a lame photo, I’ll be sure to forward u a good surgeon .. #livesinmomshome.”

Though the thorn in Andrews’ side neglected to apologize, he also failed to clarify his current living quarters.

Andrews: 2, lame followers: 0.