
I make thousands as a financial dominatrix

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Mistress Harley, 28, is a financial dominatrix.caters
Mistress Harley, 28, is a financial dominatrix.Caters
Mistress Harley, right, and her husband.Caters
Mistress Harley, 28, is a financial dominatrix.Caters
Mistress Harley, 28, is a financial dominatrix.Caters

This enterprising young woman is revolutionizing what it means to work from home.

Going by the name Mistress Harley, the 28-year-old is a financial dominatrix — a high-paying gig where she berates and blackmails men online. She charges $93 a session, and rakes in as much as $4000 a day.

“I have about 20 regular clients but I have hundreds of different men that visit my site and pay to download my video clips,” she told Caters News. “So I get paid even if I am not technically working.”

Harley routinely takes control of wealthy businessmen’s social media accounts, online banking and other personal information to digitally torture them for their pleasure.

“I take over their lives,” she said.

The elicit online activity would be a crime if her devotees didn’t love it.

“People always come back, and once they have had a taste they become addicted,” she said. “Men have even sent me their wives designer clothes. They will do anything I say!”

Harley had been working as technical project manager in San Francisco for five years, but she soon became tired of the banality of 9-to-5 life.

“Men have even sent me their wives designer clothes. They will do anything I say!”

 - Mistress Harley

“I was fed up of working long hours. I wanted something more exciting and that’s when I looked into ways to make money online,” she said.

“Over the years I looked at different ways I could take people’s money and noticed blackmail was becoming a popular fetish among men.”

Plus the managerial skills she picked up in her office job uniquely qualified her to kick dudes’ butts on the web.

“I was used to bossing around 20 men each day while project managing, so when I came across ways to financially dominate men and realized how much they paid, I quickly kick-started my new career,” she said.

Her husband, who also did not divulge his real name, loves the perks of his wife’s new profession.

“She makes so much money that it would be a waste of my time to work,” he said. “I’d rather spend time with my wife at home and make sure she is looked after.”

The couple enjoys luxurious vacations and meals at fabulous restaurants, all paid for her kinky career. She was even able to afford $9000 breast implants.

And Harley’s job is no guilty secret in the family.

“My mother is also one of the few people that know what I do and she is extremely proud,” she said.

“She told me that getting money out of men for doing nothing is one of the best things I could do.”