
Floyd Mayweather cheaply wants tax break for making it rain

You would think Floyd Mayweather, who dropped $7.7 million in cash on a Miami Beach mansion in May and is reportedly worth close to $650 million, would have little reason to squabble over a measly $20,000. Think again.

The retired boxer, who went undefeated in his career, apparently will do anything it takes to win — even when it comes to a battle over taxes.

Mayweather’s company, Mayweather Promotions LLC, recently sent a 1099 tax form to Larry Flint’s Hustler Club in Las Vegas, where Mayweather and his entourage allegedly spent over $20,000 on strippers during a May 2014 visit, according to The Daily Mail. That included $15,000 in singles thrown to the dancers and $5,000 on other expenses. The form asks the club to pay taxes on the thousands of dollars Mayweather threw away.

However, the strip club’s owner, Jason Mahoney, has balked at Mayweather sending him a tax bill after all the perks he said he’s provided Mayweather and his crew — free admission, VIP seats and at least 20 free bottles of alcohol.

“Mayweather came to the club with a large group of friends, we gave them everything, comped bottles, comped seating, comped admission, they basically paid for nothing,” Mahoney told The Daily Mail. “We should have given Mayweather a 1099 for $10,000 … They had a big party enjoying themselves.”

Mahoney said he believes Mayweather should collect from the strippers.

“The reason for doing that is to get a tax write-off, but to me it is falsifying your tax records because he threw the money in the air,” he said. “If he wanted to 1099 somebody he should have gotten the names of all the entertainers he threw the money at.”

Despite Mayweather’s celebrity status and fat wallet, the club’s PR manager, Leo Mena, said the big spender is no longer welcome.

“The club didn’t receive a dollar of Mayweather’s money from him or his team, the girls collected it all off the floor,” Mena told the paper. “To top it off, he never tipped the waitress who served the drinks.”