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The body of a man who died during ‘The Conjuring 2’ is missing

The body of a man who died after suffering a heart attack while watching a horror film at a movie theater has gone missing.

The man, who was 65 years old, was seeing The Conjuring 2 with a friend until the movie reached one of its scariest scenes.

He began to complain of chest pains and then fainted during the Thursday night showing in the town of Tiruvannamalai, southern India.

According to a report by The Times of India, the man was then rushed to hospital where he was pronounced dead.

However, the man’s body has now disappeared after hospital staff asked the man’s friend to take the corpse to another hospital on the outskirts of town so a post-mortem could be carried out.

The pair never arrived and now police are investigating the ironic mystery.

Local reports say that the friend was seen hurriedly taking the man’s body to the accommodation where they were staying at on an auto-rickshaw.

Cops are now speaking to locals in order to try and find out what happened and to confirm the pair’s identities.

The Conjuring 2 has made more than $104 million worldwide since it was released earlier this month.