US News

Lynch: Obama’s endorsement won’t affect Clinton email probe

WASHINGTON – Attorney General Loretta Lynch insisted Sunday there’s no conflict of interest in her investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email in the wake of President Obama’s endorsement of the former secretary of state.

“This is not a conflict for me and for the department or for anyone,” Lynch, the nation’s chief law enforcement official, told Fox News Sunday. “We will continue to do all of our work in the same language we always have, with the interest of the American people first and foremost.”

The FBI has been investigation whether Clinton mishandled classified material on her home email server. Obama endorsed Clinton in a web video June 9: “I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office,” Obama said.

Despite her boss working to elect Clinton, Lynch said the email case has not come up in conversation.

“I have never spoken about it with the president or really with anyone at the White House,” Lynch said. “That’s not the kind of relationship that I have with people there and it would be inappropriate to do so.”