US News

Teen says dozens of Oakland cops paid her for sex

A teenage prostitute revealed how she slept her way through five California police departments, leaving a scandalous investigation, an ousted chief and one dead cop in her wake.

Celeste Guap, 18, of Richmond, Calif., had sex with at least 24 Bay Area cops, including some while she was a minor, she told The Mercury News.

She bedded at least 14 Oakland police officers — three while she was only 17 years old, the paper reported.

“A lot [of the cops] knew I was underage because they nicknamed me ‘juve,’ which is short for juvenile,” she revealed.

Oakland Chief of Police Sean Whent stepped down Thursday.AP

Oakland Police Department Chief Sean Whent stepped down Thursday amid the scandal, citing “personal reasons” at a press conference.

But he stands accused of hiding information about sexual misconduct from higher-ups in the case.

Two Oakland cops allegedly gave the teen sex worker confidential police information, including tips on planned prostitution stings, according text messages she provided the paper.

A retired Oakland Police Department captain in his 80s also paid her $250 to have sex with him in a fleabag motel, she said.

On Monday, three Oakland cops were placed on leave for allegedly having sex with Guap when she was a minor, The East Bay Express reported.

Guap also had sex with five Richmond police officers — including a lieutenant and two sergeants — along with four Alameda County sheriff’s deputies, one Livermore officer and a Stockton law-enforcement worker, she claimed.

Police began a probe into the alleged sexual misconduct after Oakland cop Brendan O’Brien committed suicide in September. He left a note admitting he and other officers had sex with Guap, the paper reported.

“To think that officers were engaged in the sexual exploitation of a child: It’s heartbreaking. If it’s true, it’s criminal, and they should be prosecuted,” said City Council President Lynette Gibson McElhaney.

Guap — whose mother was a police dispatcher — began selling her body on the street at age 12, she said.

She believed the sleazy cops she took to bed were just looking out for her, she said.

“They were my protectors. I didn’t have a pimp at the time. It did make me feel safer, having them,” she admitted.