
Woman files lawsuit after discovering hubby is ‘scammer’

She married for love — and had no idea he married for money.

A Canadian says in Manhattan Supreme Court papers she’s still trying to recoup the $41,000 she laid out during her brief union with Francis Sup Shin, a convicted bank scammer.

Valerie My Thao Pham, 30, of Quebec, says Shin is such a lout, he even used her credit card to pay for a good-time trip to Atlantic City with one of his mistresses.

Pham wants the court to order Manhattan resident Shin, 39, to pay her back.

Pham says in her filing that her marriage to Shin “is a case of mistaken identity because the defendant [Shin] is not the person [Pham] believed she was marrying.”

The relationship unraveled just six months after the couple tied the knot in New York in 2014, Pham claims.

They met in Montreal and lived together for nearly two years with no problems until Shin lost his job in December 2013.

Pham then started supporting him financially, and paid for his move to Manhattan.

Pham and Shin planned to live in the city for a year or two before returning to Canada. They had already started the legal process for Shin to become a Canadian citizen.

The first hint of trouble came during their hunt for a Manhattan apartment, when a real-estate broker revealed Shin’s history of poor credit, Pham says.

Shin asked her to pay for the $11,000-per-month pad. Pham refused — she’d already paid for their wedding and for Shin’s immigration lawyer.

She moved back to Montreal and began doing some digging into her husband’s background.

“It revealed he has an extensive criminal background, which she knew nothing about,” Pham says in an ­annulment application.

Shin was found guilty of scamming Wells Fargo in 2003 and was forced to repay the bank more than $97,000, Pham says. He was also arrested twice on similar charges in ensuing years, violating his probation, she claims.

Shin also “committed adultery on a number of occasions with at least two partners and that one of the affairs took place before, during and after the marriage,” the angry wife said.

Shin could not be reached for comment.