US News

Nightclub massacre survivors huddled in attic to stay alive

Yvens Carrenards survived the Pulse nightclub massacre by hiding in an attic storage room as gunman Omar Mateen slaughtered dozens downstairs.

“I thought the shooter was going to find us,” the 29-year-old told The Post. “It was really scary — to say the least.”

Carrenards said he was relaxing with friends at the Orlando club when Mateen started shooting, forcing him to run for safety.

“It was nerve wracking,” he said. “I could see people’s bodies on the floor. I panicked and I turned around — and there was a kitchen-type area. So I ran in there.”

Carrenards and four others climbed a ladder to the attic-like area and barricaded the door.

“It was sort of a storage room, with shotglasses,” he said. “I put my body against the door.”

Carrenards called for help on his phone, and he huddled with the other terrified clubgoers.

“It was a young lady and four guys,” he said. “One guy was shot in the leg. I was up there 25, 30 minutes. I was on the phone with 911.”

Eventually, police told them to come down with their hands up.

“We had to walk by at least 10 dead people. I was just trying to make sure none of them were my friends,” Carrenards said.

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