
Hondo alive with five!

The Indians carried sizzling Hondo to a fifth straight victory on Sunday, hammering the Halos to boost the earnings to 661 jorgensens.

Monday night: Mr. Aitch will back Scherzer in the big showdown in D.C. — 20 units on the Nats to provide a bad experience for Hendricks.

CUNY Kingsborough math prof and human sperm bank Ari Nagel has sired 22 kids the last 12 years, which kind of makes singer/songwriter/sperm donor David Crosby look impotent … Hillary Clinton ranks third among independent voters behind Donald Trump and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, according to a Fox News poll. Apparently, unlike Democrats, Independents hold compulsive liars in low regard … Basorexia, as defined by “The Book of Human Emotions,” is an affliction in which a person is overcome with the sudden urge to kiss someone. So Joe Namath not only has bad knees, but also suffers from basorexia.