
Crocs are bad for your health

All arguments over Crocs — the rubber clogs that, since 2002, have somehow been sold more than 300 million times — inevitably end with “I don’t care, they’re comfortable.” Such defenders relish the tacit assumption that shoes that pamper your feet must also be good for them.

Well, sorry, moms of toddlers, hospital staff and those who have given up on life — science is now on the side of Team Style.

“Unfortunately, Crocs are not suitable for all-day use,” Dr. Megan Leahy, a Chicago-based podiatrist with the Illinois Bone and Joint Institute, told the Huffington Post. “These shoes do not adequately secure the heel. When the heel is unstable, toes tend to grip which can lead to tendinitis, worsening of toe deformities, nail problems, corns and calluses. The same thing can happen with flip-flops or any backless shoes as the heel is not secured.”

And even if the back straps on classic Crocs sufficiently protect the heel, bigger problems remain.

According to Dr. Alex Kor, president of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, the most important part of any shoe is the shank — a supportive structure that rests between the heel and toe, and runs under the arch of the foot.

“Patients are more likely to have foot pain if their shoes bend in the shank,” Kor told HuffPo, calling Crocs the “poster child” for this type of footwear. “I see patients who come into my office complaining of arch or heel pain and they are wearing Crocs.”

So Crocs are not only clunky and polarizing, but also potentially dangerous.

Sound familiar?