
Cuomo vows to fully cooperate with federal corruption probe

NORTH HUDSON, NY — Gov. Cuomo said Tuesday that he and his staff would fully cooperate with the federal probe of his administration — including former top aide Joe Percoco, whom the governor threw under the bus a day earlier.

“To the extent my staff has information that can be helpful, we’re there 100 percent. To the extent that I know anything that could be helpful, I’m there 100 percent,” Cuomo said during a news conference in the Adirondack Mountains.

On Monday, Cuomo’s counsel, Alphonso David, said the governor had “full confidence” in three out of six current and former staffers named in a federal subpoena — but excluded Percoco.

Late Tuesday, Cuomo’s office updated the statement of support to add a fourth subpoenaed man, saying his vote of “confidence” was also meant to include Gil Quiniones, the president and CEO of the New York Power Authority.

The subpoena — excerpts of which were obtained by The Post — demanded evidence from Cuomo’s office about “any actions taken” by the six “for the benefit of” various companies involved with state-funded development projects.

Cuomo acknowledged that Percoco — whom he once likened to a brother — was a primary target of the feds, along with Todd Howe, a disgraced Washington lobbyist.

“What I do know is two people — Todd Howe and Joe Percoco — are being looked at for possible improper actions — which, also remember, we have that little rule in this country: you’re innocent until proven guilty and no one’s been charged with anything, but they’re being looked at,” Cuomo said.

Last week, Cuomo defended Percoco when his name surfaced in the widening corruption investigation by Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara.

Meanwhile, The Post has learned that Percoco signed loan documents on behalf of his wife, Lisa, more a month before she legally gave him the authority.

Property records show that on Aug. 24, 2014, the couple refinanced a two-year, $800,000 mortgage that provided nearly 100 percent of the $815,000 needed to buy their sprawling home in northern Westchester.

Percoco signed on his own behalf and “as agent” for his wife, but they didn’t sign papers giving him power of attorney until Oct. 2, 2014, records show.

According to New York General Obligations Law, a power-of-attorney form does not take effect until both sides sign it.

Percoco’s lawyer didn’t respond to inquiries.

Additional reporting by Kaja Whitehouse and Bruce Golding