
GOP chairman kisses Trump’s ass

GOP chairman Reince Priebus doubled down on his newfound love for Donald Trump on Wednesday, saying the tycoon’s unconventional campaign was actually a good thing for the party.

Priebus, facing the task of unifying a fractured GOP, said Trump’s stunning takeover of the Republican Party as a step forward.

“You know what, I think something different and something new is probably good for our party,” Priebus told CNN’s “New Day.”

After Trump’s big win in the Indiana primary and the departure of rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) from the race, Priebus called The Donald their party’s “presumptive nominee.”

Priebus admitted the real estate titan’s rise to the top has taken him by surprise.

“Look, I don’t think anyone predicted what happened,” the party big said on Wednesday. “So, look, we’re here. We’re going to get behind the presumptive nominee.”

Just a few weeks ago, Priebus was snapping at Trump over the candidate’s complaints about delegate allocation rules that he believed were unfairly benefiting Cruz.

“It’s the responsibility of the campaigns to understand” convention rules, Priebus tweeted about Trump’s beefs. “Complaints now? Give us all a break.”