
Now your pets can poop at the airport like the civilized creatures they are

Kennedy Airport may be in the toilet for fliers, but now it’s No. 1 with their pets.

The airport last week opened a pet potty — complete with fake grass and a red fire hydrant — in Terminal 4. And the single-stall bathroom, which is decorated with paw prints and lined with Epoxy and waterproof turf, is already making jet-setting pet owners purr.

“We had some privacy, and he did his job. He wasn’t afraid here,” said Aliyah Sharifullin of her 2-year-old mixed-breed cat, Thirteen, after she took him into the room to do his business.

“In Atlanta, he was very scared in the bathroom and didn’t go. Here, it was very comfortable,’’ she said.

Dogs are also enjoying having their own personal pooh palace.

“This is hilarious,” said Tracy Schneider, who was traveling with her Shih Tzu-poodle mix, Joey.

“It’s great for them to have a place to go. You don’t have to worry as much when you travel with them.”

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Matthew McDermott
Matthew McDermott
Matthew McDermott
Matthew McDermott

The room is designed to be hosed down regularly, and pet owners are given doo-doo bags to help clean up after themselves.

Airport officials said they opened the room so that traveling pets don’t have to keep their legs crossed for any longer than necessary.

Before, pet owners would either have to clean up after their animals made a mess on the terminal floor or take them outside to relieve themselves and then go back through security.

“When the urge comes, [animals] are going to go, so we wanted to have somewhere for them to go,” said Susana Cunha, vice president of operations at JFK.

A Manhattan nonprofit that trains guide dogs for the blind and other disabled people helped design the special bathroom.

“If you have a five-hour flight, you are at the airport a couple hours early,’’ said Patrick Glines, manager of the Guide Dog Foundation. “That’s a good seven hours that an animal doesn’t have access to relieve itself, not to mention if there’s a connecting flight.”