
Hondo’s Cleveland show

Hondo’s Indians were nipped by the Mets on Friday night, but that damage was largely offset when the Twins broke their 2016 maiden to put the earnings at 236 charboneaus.

Saturday: Even though Harvey has been tinkling with his motion, Mr. Aitch expects Cleveland to hose the Metamucil ace — 20 units on Tomlin.

The jersey Mike Piazza wore when he hit the dramatic HR in the Mets’ first game after 9/11 has been bought back by several fans who want it displayed at the 9/11 Museum, the Hall of Fame and Citi Field. They better order up tight security when it’s at Citi Field; otherwise the Wilponzies will try to get their mitts on it and sell it again. … From emailer Donny Mac: The story about the ninth grade girls at a school in Des Moines hiring a male stripper last Friday for their swimming club’s annual event, already is having far-reaching effects. Word is NYC’s prestigious Stuyvesant High School — home of “Slutty Wednesday” — soon will start up “Stripper Friday.” … Chipotle has been advised to open up some drive-thru restaurants to increase revenue, which seems like a good idea. It will be interesting for their daring customers to see what’s quicker, the drive-thru or the burrito flow-thru.