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ISIS puts out hit on Huma

ISIS on Wednesday put out a hit list targeting moderate Muslims — including top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

The list — in the latest edition of the terror group’s magazine Dabiq– targets several other prominent Muslims including US Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota and British pols Sayeeda Warsi and Sajid Javid.

Abedin, the wife of former rep. Anthony Weiner, and other targets are branded “overt crusaders” and “politically active apostates,” who “involve themselves in the politics and enforcing laws of the kufr [disbelievers].”

Clinton spokesman Glen Caplin told The Post he had no comment about ISIS’ hit list.

Also in the 14th edition of the magazine, ISIS celebrates the Brussels bombings and identifies the key jihadists behind the terror.

“Paris was a warning. Brussels was a reminder,” the magazine said in a threat of more violence. “What is yet to come will be more devastating and more bitter by the permission of Allah, and Allah prevails.”

Brothers Khalid (left) and Ibrahim El BakraouiGetty Images

Brothers Khalid and Ibrahim El Bakraoui, who blew themselves up in the attacks on the Belgian capital, were responsible for “all preparations for the raids in Paris and Brussels,” the English-language magazine reported, for the first time referring to the jihadis by name.

Khalid, 27, and Ibrahim, 29, were convicted carjackers and bank robbers who had spent time in a Belgian prison, where they joined the ISIS cause, the magazine said.

Despite their radicalization, authorities failed to flag them as extremists, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing Belgian prosecutors.

Dabiq described Khalid as a “man of strong character, a natural leader” who had three visions.

In his first vision, which he reportedly had while locked up, he claimed he saw the Prophet riding on a horse in battle.

“The vision took me beyond the battlefield. I saw myself as an archer shooting arrows at the enemy. I would shoot, take cover, then shoot again,” he said.
After being released, the magazine said, he began amassing a cache of weapons and explosives.

The second vision supposedly came after the Paris attacks.

Rescue workers gather victims in the 10th district of Paris following the attacks on Nov. 13.AP

“I arose to a high place, as if I was in space, surrounded by stars; but the sky was like the blue of night,” he said.

Khalid said he dreamed that he heard the voice of Allah telling him to “fight for His cause and make His word supreme.”

In the final vision, he said he saw himself on a boat with his brother, where they had Turkish soldiers as hostages.

“I had a pistol and Abū Sulaymān (Ibrahim) had a belt. I told him to give me his belt, as I would feel better having it,” he said.

“So he gave me the belt and I gave him my pistol. I then quickly advanced with the Turkish hostage in order to close in on other soldiers, two of whom were in front of us.

“I detonated my belt, killing the soldiers. My head then descended to the ground. One of the brothers working on the operation and Shaykh al-‘Adnānī took my head and said ‘Check to see if he is smiling or not.’

“I then saw my soul and those of the three soldiers. All of a sudden, the soldiers’ souls burned and vanished and, suddenly, the banner of Islam — represented in the dream by the flag of the Islamic State — came out of the earth and was shining brightly. My soul then became full of light.”

He said his dream ended with a voice telling him that he had achieved “deliverance.”

Khalid went on to kill 14 people at a Brussels Metro station.

The magazine also described Najim Laachraoui, 24, a Belgian of Moroccan descent who blew himself up at the Brussels airport, as the bomb maker for both the Paris and Brussels attacks.

Laachraoui, who joined ISIS in 2013, was assisted by Algerian-born Mohamed Belkaid, 40, who was killed in a police raid in Brussels shortly before the attacks that killed 32 people in the Belgian capital.

Meanwhile, three suspects arrested Tuesday in a raid in the Brussels neighborhood of Uccle in connection with the Paris attacks have been released without charges, the Wall Street Journal reported.

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Rescue workers at the site of the subway station explosion.AP
Broken windows at the scene of explosions at the Brussels airport.Reuters
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