US News

‘Excuse me!’: Bernie snaps at Hillary during debate

Bernie Sanders snapped at Hillary Clinton during a Democratic presidential debate Sunday night, yelling, “Excuse me!” as she tried to talk about the auto bailout.

“If you are talking about the Wall Street bailout, where some of your friends destroyed this economy,” Sanders, who had just won the Maine caucuses, said during the CNN-hosted debate in Flint, Mich.

“You know,” Clinton began to say.

“Excuse me!” Sanders shot back, raising his hand. “I’m talking.”

The pro-Clinton Correct the Record tweeted, “That was rude.”

The moment hearkened back to Republican Rep. Rick Lazio stepping over to Clinton’s podium to make her sign a campaign-finance pledge during a debate in the race for US Senate in 2000. Lazio lost.

“Did Bernie Sanders hire Rick Lazio as his debate coach tonight? Interrupting Hillary Clinton seldom ends well,” Time correspondent Phil Elliott tweeted.