Mackenzie Dawson

Mackenzie Dawson


This mom turned her baby into hilarious art

Motherhood is much, much funnier than Melinda Anderson ever thought it would be. The freelance editor and writer was ready for the other stuff — the sleep deprivation, anxiety, diapers and many challenges of the first year of a child’s life — but not the potential for sheer, absolute mirth.

Case in point: One afternoon last March, shortly after her son, Anderson Moore’s, birth, Melinda’s husband, award-winning photographer John Moore, snapped a photo of him.

Something about the composition of the photo struck Melinda: With his long fingers, Anderson’s hands resembled those of Abraham Lincoln at the Memorial in Washington, DC. She juxtaposed the photo of the baby with a close-up of Lincoln’s marble hands and posted it on Instagram with the hashtag #twomoore.

A few days later, newborn Anderson had to have a procedure to remove a skin tag on his ear. The resulting gauze bandage reminded her of one of Vincent Van Gogh’s self-portraits. She found the painting she was thinking of and posted it next to the photo of the baby.

A week or so later, Anderson was holding his hands up while napping. “He looked like Lloyd Dobler in ‘Say Anything,’ ” notes Melinda, now living in Stamford, Conn.

Ensuing photos referenced everything from “The Shining” and “Zoolander” to “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” and “Footloose” to impressionist and Renaissance art. Anderson doesn’t pose the photos; she takes the picture first and notices the resemblance afterwards. (It doesn’t hurt that she has a photographic memory and a Master’s degree in art history.)

“I try not to overthink it,” she says. “I don’t pose him and I don’t redo the picture if it doesn’t turn out well. I wouldn’t care if I posted a picture of him that was a complete mess. Because we all know that after the perfect Christmas card picture is taken, five minutes later there’s a screaming kid, a husband and wife arguing over finances and a dog that got into the sweets.”

People have started commissioning photos of their own newborns through her new Web site,; a recent one paired a newborn with a lounging, seminude photo of Jason Alexander as George Costanza.

“Everyone says [when you have a baby] you’re still the same person, you just experience everything more,” says Melinda. “The happiest part of this is that it’s filled with joy, and I’m getting to experience humor in a much more magnified way. Who doesn’t want to laugh more?”