
Schumer demands more legroom on commercial flights

Lack of leg room on airplanes cramps travelers’ style, slammed New York Sen. Charles Schumer — who on Sunday demanded space between seats be increased on commercial flights.

Schumer wants to require the Federal Aviation Administration to set seat-size standards to 35 inches — or roughly three feet — between seat rows, he said.

“The average passenger feels they are being treated like sardines. Squeezed, and squeezed, and squeezed,” he proclaimed at his weekly Sunday press conference.

“When you talk to people about traveling today, on the airlines, people are not happy. Bottom line is everything is being taken away, and nothing bothers people more than the fact that there is almost no leg room,” he blasted.

Most commercial airlines offer only about 31 inches of leg room and a 16-inch wide seat, he said.

‘The average passenger feels they are being treated like sardines. Squeezed, and squeezed, and squeezed.’

 - Sen. Charles Schumer

Under the amendment to the FAA Reauthorization Bill, all commercial airlines would be required to offer 35 inches or leg room and an 18 inch-wide seat, he said.

The lack of space on flights is a personal problem for Schumer, he said.

“I can’t fit in those seats. I have to take the stuff out — the special bulletins and card so that my knees don’t bang into the seat behind me. And we know about all the fights that have broken out because of people leaning their seats back,” he said.

Airlines squeeze billions out of travelers each year — so they should cough up more space, he said.

“What makes this even more disturbing is that airlines are making record profits. They were allowed to merge, and now there is virtually no competition,” Schumer said.

Airlines are expected to rake in $36 billion in 2016, according to The International Air Transport Association.

There are currently no federal rules about how much leg room airlines are required to offer.Congress must pass legislation before March 31, he said.

“Shouldn’t have to charge extra just to have room for your feet, for your legs, for your hips. And that is the big problem. I’m afraid if we don’t do this, they’ll shrink it even further,” Schumer said.