US News

School fighting release of details into Muslim teen’s arrest over clock

A Texas school district has sued the state to prevent the release of details of a federal probe into the arrest of a Muslim student who brought a homemade clock to class that was feared to be a possible bomb.

The Irving school district was ordered by the Texas Attorney General’s Office to provide a copy of the US Justice Department’s letter to The Dallas Morning News.

But the district is fighting the release of the letter, which outlined allegations of “discipline of students on the basis of race, religion and national origin,” the newspaper reported.

The homemade clock that Ahmed Mohamed brought to school.AP

A charge of having a hoax bomb was dropped against 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, but the teen was suspended after the September incident, in which he made a digital clock and brought it to school to show a teacher.

His family has said his religion was a factor in the school’s response, but officials have denied the claim.

The district has said it’s withholding the letter because it expects to be sued by the family.

Mohamed’s punishment brought an outpouring of support, including from President Obama, other political leaders, corporate executives and NASA scientists.

His family left Irving after receiving threats and now lives in Qatar.

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