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Pope Francis writes heartfelt letters to children

‘But these are tough questions!” Pope Francis exclaimed when he saw letters sent to him from children in 26 countries.

Loyola Press, a Catholic publisher, solicited kids ages 6-13 from around the world to write to the pontiff and have collected 30 of his responses in a new book, “Dear Pope Francis.”

He tells 8-year-old Wing in China that his favorite sport is soccer. He explains to 10-year-old Karla Marie in Nicaragua that even bad people have guardian angels. And he memorably describes to Alejandra, 9, of Peru, that the devil “is like a dog that is tied up and barks and growls. But if you don’t get close to him, he can’t bite you.”

Courtesy of Loyola Press
One of the 259 children who submitted a letter is 7-year-old William from Chicago, who asked the pope, “If you could do 1 miracle what would it be?”

William’s parents tell The Post that their son wrote the letter in June last year. “It was a summer of superhero movies and William had been asking everyone, ‘If you could have one superpower what would it be?’ ” they write. “To William, miracles were like a superpower that Jesus had.”

Of Pope Francis’ response, that his miracle would be to heal children, the family said, “We were moved by the humanity and very personal nature of his answer. William loved the response, especially because William had previously told us that if he could perform one miracle, he would make all sick people better. He was surprised to hear that the pope cries. William was also excited that Pope Francis liked his drawing.”

Next week, many of the children who wrote letters will meet Pope Francis in person, where he will get the chance to meet the young faces behind the tough questions.

“I’m not afraid to cry”

Courtesy of Loyola Press
Letter from William, 7, Chicago, who writes:

Dear Pope Francis,

If you could do 1 miracle, what would it be?

Love, William

“Between the bridge and the river, there is a mercy of God.”

Courtesy of Loyola Press
Letter from Ivan, 13, China, who writes:

Your holiness,

Will my grandpa, a non-Catholic who is not a person willing to do something evil, go to heaven when he dies? In other words, if someone never makes any penances, how big a sin must he commit for him to go down to hell?

God bless you,


“I wanted to be a butcher”

Courtesy of Loyola Press
Letter from Basia, 8, Poland, who writes:

Dear Pope Francis,

I would like to ask you: is your profession hard, and were you liked, and who did you want to be at my age. My name is Basia. I am eight years old. I like the color green.


Antonio Spadaro, editor of “Dear Pope Francis” will be at The Sheen Center, 18 Bleecker St., on Wednesday March 2 at 7 pm. to discuss the book.

Tickets are $5. All ticket proceeds to benefit the Jesuit Refugee Service.