
Progress in NYC schools — which de Blasio’s reversing

Here’s something you don’t hear often: good news about New York City schools.

A study by the city’s Independent Budget Office found that Gotham students have nearly caught up with their peers across the state on standardized math and English tests.

Back in 2006, the share of city kids who passed English lagged the share of state kids who passed by 11 percentage points. The lag in math: 9 points. By last year, the gaps had narrowed to just 1.6 points and 3.4 points.

Even better, when the IBO tweaked the stats to account for the city’s demographics — its poverty levels, student disabilities, ethnic backgrounds, etc. — Gotham actually outperformed the state by 14.1 points in English and 15.2 points in math.

The IBO didn’t look at how the city kids caught up, but Mayor Michael Bloom­berg’s reforms must have had something to do with it — since Team de Blasio ran the schools for just one of the 10 years the study covers.

And Bloomberg’s changes all aimed at improving results: boosting accountability for teachers and principals, raising expectations for students, closing failed schools, etc.

Mayor Mike also expanded city charter schools, and kids at those schools truly outperformed: 18.8 points better than kids statewide in English, 30.1 points better in math.

Yet Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña have been reversing many of Bloom­berg’s reforms — choking charters, relaxing standards and keeping failed schools open.

The overall picture’s still far from great: A majority of New York’s kids still flunk both math and English. And de Blasio’s backsliding will make things worse.

So, New Yorkers: Be thankful for a bit of progress — and tell the mayor to stop rolling it back.