
Grokker set to bring digital yoga to corporate offices

It may sound like a stretch, but on-demand yoga is getting into position to go corporate.

Grokker — a fast-growing startup that churns out slick yoga videos to in-home subscribers — has begun to ink deals with companies to offer online classes to employees as a health benefit.

Silicon Valley stalwarts including Pinterest and Activision Blizzard are among the major clients to sign up, The Post has learned.

“The dirty little secret of corporate gyms is that they’re incredibly underutilized,” says Grokker Chief Executive Lorna Borenstein, who founded the service in 2013.

Borenstein says she’s angling to cut more deals with employers to deliver on-demand yoga, health, meditation and cooking videos to millions of workers.

Grokker — which charges $14.99 a month for unlimited access to its fitness-focused content, typically accessed at home on laptops and iPads — last month disclosed a deal to allow limited access to Comcast’s cable TV subscribers for $6.99 a month.

Corporate clients, meanwhile, want to cut insurance costs by reducing employee stress and obesity, and by speeding recoveries from injury, according to Borenstein.

The Linux Foundation — whose ranks of brainy computer coders include more than 100 around the world who work from home — has been a good fit since it signed up for the corporate service last fall, says Jim Zemlin, executive director at Linux.

“Before Grokker, we had very limited options for a company-wide fitness benefit” as it handed out to employees gifts such as Fitbits and Vitamix blenders, Zemlin said.

After rolling out free Grokker subscriptions late last year, Linux has seen 85 percent of its employees register.

“We have even used Grokker to start off team meetings, and everyone does a quick 5 minutes stretch break led by a Grokker expert,” Zemlin said.