Claire Atkinson

Claire Atkinson


The Academy seems obsessed with small box-office flicks

Last year’s US box office champ, “Star Wars,” with $923 million tickets sold, isn’t nominated for Best Picture. The Academy seems obsessed with small box-office films.

The Academy’s eight Best Picture nominees have collectively sold just $772.3 million worth of tickets.

Seems the moviegoing public isn’t all that driven to see the Academy members’ picks — or watch the Oscars telecast on ABC.

Five of the picks took in less than $100 million. One of the contenders for Best Picture, “Spotlight,” starring Rachel McAdams, has bagged just $38.1 million.

Last year’s winner, “Birdman,” was another smaller movie, attracting $46.5 million at the box office.

Art-house indie movies might tickle the Academy, but not the studios’ coffers.

The biggest money-maker of the lot this year is “The Martian,” with $228.3 million in ducat sales, while widely tipped Best Picture winner “The Revenant” is the second-highest earner at $165.1 million. Both are 20th Century Fox movies. The smallest film of the bunch, “Room,” took in just $12.65 million.

The last time a box-office hit won was in 2013, when Ben Affleck took top honors for “Argo,” which made $232 million by Oscar weekend.