
Marco Rubio suggests Trump wet his pants at latest debate

Marco Rubio ramped up his attacks on Donald Trump Friday, calling the GOP presidential front-runner a “con artist,” mocking his misspelled tweets and suggesting he wet his pants during the latest debate because he was so rattled.

“He called me Mr. Meltdown. Let me tell you something, last night during the debates, he went backstage, he was having a meltdown,” Rubio said during an appearance in Dallas.

“First, he had this little makeup thing applying makeup around his mustache because he had one of those sweat mustaches. Then, he asked for a full-length mirror . . . maybe to make sure his pants weren’t wet.”

Rubio came out swinging at Thursday night’s debate in Houston and didn’t let up Friday — four days before pivotal Super Tuesday primaries in 11 states.

“This is a con job where he is going to Americans . . . and he’s implying, ‘I’m fighting for you’ because he’s a tough guy. A tough guy? This guy inherited $200 million. He’s never faced any struggle,” the Florida senator said.

Rubio then took out his cellphone and read Trump’s tweets from the stage, noting he wrote “chocker” instead of choker and “honer” instead of honor.

Rubio also charged that Trump’s excuse for not releasing his taxes — that he’s in the middle of an IRS audit — was a cover to hide how much he’s really worth.

Trump fired back on Twitter, writing, “Lightweight choker Marco Rubio looks like a little boy on stage. Not presidential material!”