Claire Atkinson

Claire Atkinson


Adele doesn’t seem interested in Jane Fonda’s Equal Rights pitch

Actress Jane Fonda has been reaching out to women to enlist their help in supporting the Equal Rights Amendment, which would add legal protections for women in the Constitution.

Sources tell On the Money that Fonda reached out to Adele to get her on board with the initiative.

Sadly, Adele didn’t seem too interested. The singer is said to have told the one-time antiwar activist that she’d support women “in her own way,” and offered up two tour tickets instead.

One source scoffed at the idea that the legendary American movie star would welcome free concert tickets.

While Fonda is working to get a constitutional amendment on the equal rights issue. Adele has instead chosen to get behind the #freekesha hashtag.

Adele, a Sony artist, is just one of a handful of major names to have backed the singer Kesha, who is battling to be released from a contract with Dr. Luke’s Kemosabe label, which is part-owned by Sony.

Kesha contends in a civil action that Dr. Luke drugged and raped her. Dr Luke tweeted that he hadn’t ever had sex with her. Whatever the truth, support for Kesha’s is growing daily, with Reese Witherspoon and Lorde speaking out. Fonda’s ERA squad includes Sally Field , Robin Wright and Meryl Streep . Perhaps the younger women in entertainment could put more effort into effecting legal changes.

Both Fonda and Adele had no comment.