
Why knowing about wine can close a business deal

Wine collecting has a reputation for being complex, costly and (let’s face it) intimidating.

But building a home cellar doesn’t have to be stressful.

The trick, says New York’s Antonio Galloni — founder of wine-data app Vinous — is a willingness to learn how to balance good taste with good value.

He shares with Alexa his top tips for diving into vino collecting.

❶ Trust your palate

Antonio Galloni.Courtesy of Antonio Galloni

“Newcomers should never buy or store wines without tasting them first. The last thing they want is to open a case later on and find they don’t like it. Preferences can also evolve over time, so tasting along the way is essential.”

❷ Hit the hot zones

“The most coveted wines right now are from Burgundy, France; Champagne, France; Tuscany, Italy; and Santa Cruz, Calif. Each region offers wines that can be enjoyed now — and held as they rise in value. Focus on top producers in the best years, and always buy closed and full cases.”

❸ Wine and dine

“Being able to discuss the wine you’re drinking is an enormous advantage when entertaining clients and associates. Brush up on the Big 4 — Bordeaux [France], Burgundy, California and Italy — to give yourself a solid foundation. And find out the key milestones for important people in your life to gift them with important pours.”

❹ Glass class

“There are many ways to educate yourself — most of which are a lot of fun. Form a tasting group with friends, attend wine tastings and dinners, patronize restaurants with helpful sommeliers, find trustworthy realtors, and visit the world’s great wine regions.”

Cheers to that!