
Justice for one Jersey cop-killer — and a challenge for Obama

Radical cop-killer Joanne Chesimard still enjoys the safe haven Cuba’s Castro brothers have given her since 1984 — but her accomplice will stay locked in prison, thanks to New Jersey’s Supreme Court.

It’s a welcome surprise, after a lower court had actually ordered the state to free Clark Edward Squire, a k a Sundiata Acoli.

Back in the day, the trial judge imposed a sentence of life plus 24-to-30 years — to be served consecutively — to make it clear he never wanted Squire turned loose.

Acoli and Chesimard, members of the Black Liberation Army, carried out the cold-blooded execution of State Trooper Werner Foerster, using his gun, after a traffic stop back in 1973.

The Parole Board repeatedly declined to free Squire, saying he refused to own up to his role in Foerster’s murder.

But he claims he blacked out and can’t recall it — and an appellate court amazingly ruled he can’t be expected to take responsibility for a crime he doesn’t remember.

Sadly, the justices in their 4-1 ruling took no position on whether Acoli deserves to be cut loose — only that the lower court “skipped a step” by ordering his freedom without a full Parole Board hearing. Still, that extends the period before his next application by months, if not years. And it ensures the Foerster family a chance to be heard.

This is a rare bright spot in the ongoing Chesimard saga — after President Obama ignored pleas that he demand her return to face long-overdue justice before reopening diplomatic ties with Cuba.

Convicted with Acoli, she escaped prison and has been on the lam since 1979, having made her way to Cuba five years later.

Obama has a chance to make some amends on his Cuban tour next month by bringing Joanne Chesimard back with him — in handcuffs.