
The mayor’s plan to fix Times Square has gone missing

Thought it was safe to go back to Times Square — with Elmo out of the headlines and the desnudas mostly covered up? Guess again: Gotham’s biggest champion has turned perp.

The “Batman of Times Square” — secret identity not billionaire Bruce Wayne, but one José Escalona-Martinez — was nabbed this week for allegedly swiping $50 from an Irish tourist after posing with her for pictures.

He’s the same “Batman” who testified before the City Council in 2014 against cracking down on Times Square’s cartoon infestation.

Back then, he was Constitutional Superhero: “The First Amendment protects the characters” in Times Square, he argued in opposing common-sense safety measures.

Well, the First Amendment doesn’t protect people who are thieves or harassers.

Escalona-Martinez has reportedly been arrested at least four times, with a rap sheet including public urination and slugging a woman in the face. He previously sued the NYPD for $2 million — claiming false arrest while he was dressed as Spider-Man.

But this news raises a bigger question: Whatever happened to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plan for containing the Elmo menace?

Despite high-profile hearings last fall, the City Council still hasn’t passed legislation to restrict the costumed buskers to designated “begging zones” in Times Square — where tourists and parents could go if they wished, but avoid if they had to.

De Blasio and Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito have apparently been too busy trying to kill a truly tourist-friendly industry (Central Park horse carriages) and rushing through that obscene 32 percent pay hike for the council.

Fine, cold weather’s kept the desnudas off the front pages — but it sure looks like the hedgehogs were right, and it’s going to be an early spring.

“Batman” proves it: The Elmos remain a menace. Now’s the time to fix it — before they return in force.