
New York Times columnist tweets joke about killing Trump

A New York Times columnist tweeted a joke about assassinating GOP front-runner Donald Trump — and then deleted the message and apologized.

The 1983 Paramount Pictures film “The Dead Zone”

Ross Douthat tweeted Wednesday night, “Good news guys I’ve figured out how the Trump campaign ends” along with a clip from a little-known movie, “The Dead Zone.”

In the 1983 flick, Christopher Walken plays a man who can see the future and knows that a US Senate candidate, portrayed by Martin Sheen, will eventually become president and start a nuclear war.

To save humanity, Walken’s character tries to kill the Senate hopeful.

Douthat’s offensive tweet drew immediate fire and he deleted it.

In the Stephen King adaptation, Walken’s assassination bid is thwarted — but Sheen’s character holds up a baby as a human shield, leading to a news photo that destroys the campaign anyway.

Trump adviser Roger Stone revealed last week that The Donald wears a bullet-proof vest at public events.