
‘It’s a little surreal when Trump threatens your mom’: Cubs owner

The Cubs hope to end up in the pennant race, but right now they find themselves in the middle of the presidential race.

Earlier this week, Republican front-runner Donald Trump targeted a tweet at the owners of the Cubs.

Trump apparently was referencing how Marlene Ricketts has contributed $3 million to an anti-Trump political action committee, Yahoo Sports reports.

Cubs owner Tom Ricketts responded: “It’s a little surreal when Donald Trump threatens your mom,” adding how members of the Ricketts family aren’t shy about taking political stands. “… We are pretty much are an open book. We stand up for what we believe in. We support the causes we think are important. That is what America should be. That is who we are.”

As for family secrets being uncovered, Tom Ricketts didn’t sound worried, telling the media: “If we had something to hide, you people would have found it by now.” So what was Trump referring to? “I have no idea.”

Maybe Trump has discovered Joe Maddon’s hit-and-run sign and plans to reveal it to the rest of the National League.