
‘Hate-crime killer’ wanted cop to tackle him in courtroom

The gunman on trial for the 2013 Greenwich Village gay slaying asked a cop who was testifying against him Wednesday to leave the witness stand — and tackle him in the middle of the courtroom.

Elliot Morales, acting as his own lawyer in the murder trial, wanted NYPD Officer Henry Huot to re-enact the moment he slammed the killer to the sidewalk during his arrest.

Morales made the request after Huot had described how, after a short foot chase, the defendant pulled out the .38-caliber handgun he used to shoot victim Mark Carson, 32, in the face.

Huot said he had his service revolver drawn, but instead chose to tackle Morales when he saw him fumble with his gun.

“Can you demonstrate how you tackled me to the ground?” Morales asked.

“Who would be the person I would demonstrate this with?” Huot responded.

Morales offered himself and, after a brief discussion, Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Kirke Bartley allowed the tackling display, as long as Huot agreed.

“I can do it but I won’t do it,” the cop said, ending the matter.

Morales also implied he never pointed his gun at the cop.

Watch surveillance video of the confrontation between Mark Carson (in shorts and black tank top) and Elliot Morales (gray sweatshirt on left):