
Gangbanger free to roam despite gun busts arrested for armed robbery

A Brooklyn gang member sprung from jail on a paltry $1,000 bail after two gun busts just 10 days apart has been nabbed again — for an alleged armed robbery with two illegal pistols, The Post has learned.

In his latest crime, Junior Regis, 23, threatened his victim with a stolen .40-caliber Taurus handgun and a defaced 9 mm Kel-Tec after stealing the man’s cash and cellphone Feb. 17, court papers allege.

Regis was caught with the guns — both loaded — about 30 minutes later when the victim, a 21-year-old man, pointed him out to cops from the 63rd Precinct anti-crime team, police sources said on Wednesday.

Regis already has two pending gun cases against him — from arrests on Nov. 25 and Dec. 5 — but was free to roam the streets because Judge Genine Edwards set his bail at just $1,000 after the second of those busts.

As The Post reported, Edwards’ decision overruled a prosecution request to send Regis to the slammer without bail or at least require him to post $500,000.

After Edwards set the measly bail, Regis easily posted it and was freed.

At Regis’ arraignment in the Feb. 17 alleged armed robbery, Judge Michael Yavinsky at last denied him bail, and he’s currently locked up on Rikers Island.

Genine EdwardsBrooklyn Eagle

“Finally, he went in front of a judge that had common sense,” a police source said.

“There’s no way this guy should be out on the street.”

Edwards declined comment Wednesday.

Regis’ rap sheet includes nine other arrests on charges including robbery and grand larceny.

He is a member of the “Brooklyn’s Most Wanted’’ gang, source said.

Several of his cronies appeared in court Wednesday before Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Bruce Balter on conspiracy and drug-trafficking charges.

Additional reporting by Vinita Singla