
Absent Donald Trump steals Texas town hall spotlight

Donald Trump skipped a Republican presidential town hall in Texas hosted Wednesday night by Fox News nemesis Megyn Kelly, but still made his presence felt by bashing his GOP rivals on Twitter.

“Ted Cruz is lying again. Polls are showing that I do beat Hillary Clinton head to head,” the billionaire tweeted while the Texas senator was onstage.

Trump then proceeded to re-post several tweets from fans that blasted other GOP hopefuls, whom he trounced in the Nevada caucuses Tuesday night.

“A vote for @tedcruz or @marcorubio is a vote for corruption, special interests and lobbyists. Trump for POTUS!” one of the retweets read.

Earlier this week, Trump’s camp said he couldn’t make the “Face-to-Face” event at the Queensbury Theater in Houston because of a “conflicting campaign conflict,” Kelly said.

“They were very polite and cordial,” added a smiling Kelly, with whom Trump has feuded.

Cruz and Ben Carson appeared onstage at the town hall, fielding questions from Kelly and an audience of Texas voters. Marco Rubio and John Kasich took questions via satellite.