
This Oscar voter would have been OK with the bear eating Leo

Leonardo DiCaprio is lucky that one “brutally honest” academy member has only one vote.

The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday published its annual “Brutally Honest Oscar Ballot,” where DiCaprio is skewered for his portrayal of revenge-driven mountain man Hugh Glass in the frozen wilderness in 1823.

The longtime voter in the executives branch also didn’t mince words about the movie, “The Revenant.”

“I dislike ‘The Revenant’ intensely — it’s a beautifully shot Road Runner movie, in the sense that Leonardo DiCaprio keeps falling down and getting up, and who cares? I don’t,” the longtime voter told the magazine.

He said he didn’t see “Mad Max: Fury Road” (“I just didn’t get to it.”), called “Brooklyn” and “Bridge of Spies” “overly sentimental” movies that feel like they were made in the ’50s — “in the worst sense” — but gave thumbs-ups to “The Martian” and “Room.”

His Oscar pick for Best Picture is “The Big Short.”

DiCaprio also got trashed as Best Actor candidate for the role that some have described as over-the-top Oscar bait.

“I rule out Leonardo immediately because it’s a ridiculous performance. They are running his campaign based on how hard it was to make the movie, right?” the brutally honest member said.

“I’m tired of hearing about it — that’s what he gets paid for! I mean, this was not ‘Nanook of the North’ [a 1922 docudrama shot in the Arctic]. Give me a break. He got millions of dollars, and I would assume they had heaters.

“The fact that he’s never won before? He’s a young man; he still has time.”

He also ruled out Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs “because he’s in a dopey movie” and said Bryan Cranston was nominated “because of whom he played, not how he played him” in “Trumbo.”

He chose Eddie Redmayne as Best Actor for “The Danish Girl.”

For Best Actress, “forget Cate Blanchett — her film [‘Carol’] is more about decor and what everyone wears than anything of substance. Jennifer Lawrence goes next — the film [‘Joy’] is not good.”

Brie Larson of “Room” edged out Charlotte Rampling [“45 Years”] and Saoirse Ronan [“Brooklyn”], he said.