
Village meeting bombshell: The mayor slept with my wife

A Rockland County village meeting devolved into a scene out of Maury Povich on Tuesday night when a resident accused the mayor of using his “power” to have sex with his wife.

Reginald Alfred, a 48-year-old maintenance man, took the microphone at the meeting and began sharing details of how Spring Valley Mayor Demeza Delhomme was a homewrecker who ruined his 12-year marriage, according to video recorded by The Journal News.

“He destroyed my house. He destroyed my family. I have two daughters,” he said during a 15-minute shouting fest that riled up city officials and other residents in the audience.

When another resident in the audience asked Delhomme if he knew Alfred’s wife, the controversial mayor yelled, “I know everybody in this community. I don’t know the person.”

He vehemently denied the claims while holding his phone that was recording the confrontation, yelling, “I don’t know this man. I’ve never met this man.”

Alfred went back up to the mic at least one more time, calling the mayor a “liar.”

“I saw him in my house for Thanksgiving with the food inside,” he said, although he failed to provide any physical evidence of the salacious affair.

The riled-up crowd cheered their support for Alfred.

“If you really did this, you should be ashamed of yourself,” one resident said when he was up at the podium. “You are supposed to be a counselor, man, to take care of families, not destroy them.”

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Delhomme denied the allegations again to The Post on Wednesday afternoon, adding that he filed a police report after Tuesday night’s drama.

“I wish that man would get some kind of psychiatric help. I feel so bad for these kids involved,” he said of Alfred’s two daughters, who are 4 and 10.

He said he learned Wednesday that Alfred’s wife worked at the bank he goes to, but wouldn’t say whether he knew her personally.

“I don’t owe anyone that information,” Delhomme said.

He believes this is part of what he said is an ongoing smear campaign by two of the city’s trustees, Asher Grossman and Vilair Fonvil, who were also at the meeting.

“They’ve been battling me since I got elected,” he said. “They put him up to this.”

Fonvil lambasted Delhomme repeatedly Tuesday night, saying, “What I’m hearing here is public corruption.”

Alfred’s allegations are a new low for the mayor, who presides over the 2.5-square-mile village of 32,000 residents and has been embroiled in numerous scandals.

Last November, he pledged to nix any Jewish developer projects in secretly recorded conversations, saying it was payback for their lack of support in the 2013 election.

And during a massive snowstorm last January, he ordered the Department of Public Works to install a generator at his girlfriend’s house.