US News

Rhino 1, Toyota truck 0

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These people got a much closer view of a rhino than they ever bargained for.

In a frightening moment caught on video, the horned beast takes exception to the idling SUV and its occupants in the Etosha National Park in Namibia.

The road-raging rhino runs at the Toyota truck like a charging bull and gives it a full broadside with its horn – moving the vehicle in a cloud of dust.

The animal backs off for a moment and gives the rocking vehicle another nudge for good measure.

“I think the rhino saw a threat and that is why he attacked. To be honest, I was quite scared because it could have been our car,” said Alexanda Poier, 48, who shot the video, reported.

“It happened very quickly and suddenly. … The tour guide said this was a rare event,” she said.

Rhinos can weigh more than 3,000 pounds and can reach top speeds of 35 mph.

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