
Facebook finally lets users do more than just ‘like’ posts

Facebook just got a lot more emotional — launching five new “reactions” Wednesday giving users a way to better express themselves when they are responding to their friends’ posts.

The social media site added five buttons — “love,” “haha,” “wow,” “sad” and “angry” — to the “like” option so that Facebookers will be able to offer a range of emotions.

“Not every moment is a good moment and if you are sharing something sad, whether it’s something in current events, like the refugee crisis that touches you or if a family member passed away, then it may not feel comfortable to like that post” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said back in September.

Zuckerberg has long been against creating a “dislike” button, but said these reactions “give you the power to easily express sorrow and empathy — in addition to delight and warmth.”

Facebook now gives users six “reactions” to choose from: like, love, haha, wow, sad, and angry.Facebook

Starting Wednesday, Facebook users will notice that if they hover the “like” button on a computer or hold it down on a cellphone, the other emoticon options will drop down a clickable menu.

Each time someone chooses a different emotion, it will be added to the light-blue bar below the post, in a collapsable tally bar.