
Teen drowns on mission trip to Africa

A Bronx teenager drowned in a hotel pool while doing missionary work in Africa, according to a report.

Laniece Moore (center) will have a classroom in the school in Tanzania she was helping to rebuild named for her.Facebook

Laniece Moore, 15, a student at Thurgood Marshall Academy in Harlem, was part of a group helping rebuild a school in Tanzania when she died Friday, WABC reported.

“The last thing she said to me was so beautiful. Before she passed away she sent me something to let me know that the trip changed her,” said her mom, Felita Moore.

“She told me, ‘Mommy, there’s so much other than New York. People in New York stress over materialistic things and there is so much more to life,'” she said.

A classroom at the school the girl was helping rebuild has been dedicated in her memory.