
Donald Trump joins ‘Game of Thrones’ in hilarious video spoof

The decade’s two greatest shows about walls — “Game of Thrones” and Donald Trump’s campaign — have come together in one hilarious new video that portrays the real-estate titan as various characters from the hit HBO series.

Trump treats “white walkers” as he would Mexican immigrants, and talks about torturing people with the brutal ease of a king as his face is inserted digitally into “Game of Thrones” scenes for the mocking clip called “Winter is Trumping.”

The video, which had topped 1 million views by Monday night, uses audio clips from Trump’s speeches and interviews. The results show that The Donald and his rhetoric are very much at home in Westeros.

“We need to build a wall and it has to be built quickly!” says Trump, portrayed as a member of the Night’s Watch, which is charged with guarding a massive wall that is under siege by a race of outsiders.

“The greatest builder is me and I would build the greatest wall you have ever seen,” the Trump character declares.

Trump is also seen plotting in Kings Landing with the members of the king’s council, and standing with actor Peter Dinklage’s character, Tyrion Lannister, before a key battle scene, talking about his plans to torture people.

Trump’s words fit seamlessly into the sword-and-sorcery fantasy epic.

“Our enemies laugh at us,” he says. “But they say waterboarding and they chop off heads. They think we are so stupid, you have no idea.”

The video was created by Huw Parkinson, a political satirist based in Australia.