5 things we learned from the ‘Friends’ reunion

On Sunday night, the cast of “Friends” (well, five out of six) reunited on an NBC special honoring the TV director James Burrows, and, as expected, it was a bit underwhelming for fans of the beloved sitcom.

The nine-minute segment — which featured Bravo host Andy Cohen asking questions of Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt Le Blanc and David Schwimmer — did offer some anecdotes from the early years of the NBC sitcom, however (Burrows directed 32 episodes from 1993 to 1997). Here’s a look at five highlights.

They passed the time on set playing poker

The “Friends” became friendly in real life in part because of Burrows, who encouraged them from the beginning to bond as a cast — and also to play poker. “He gave us his dressing room [to play poker] ’cause it was big,” Kudrow said.

“And they wrote an episode about it, actually,” Aniston said — the first-season episode titled “The One With All the Poker.”

They learned from the cast of ‘Seinfeld’

During that first season, the cast would gather at each other’s houses to watch the episodes together every week, and would even give each other suggestions.
“Scenes that you weren’t in, you would watch and try to think of ideas for one another,” LeBlanc said. “It was real supportive of one another.”
“Courteney started off saying, ‘I was on “Seinfeld” and they all help each other, so let’s help each other,’ ” Kudrow said. (Cox played Jerry’s girlfriend on a 1994 episode.)

There was no ‘Friends’-with-benefits contract

Cohen apparently got wind of a rumor that all the “Friends” were asked to sign contracts saying they wouldn’t sleep with each other during the run of the show. The question was met with quizzical looks by the cast members, until Kudrow confirmed, “I was not asked to sign anything like that.”

The female co-stars ate the same lunch for 10 years

Wonder how Monica, Phoebe and Rachel stayed so thin? A decade’s worth of salads.
“The three girls had lunch together every single day for 10 years,” Cox said. “And we ate the same food — a Jennifer salad.” It sounds like Aniston just tossed the salad from craft services, but according to Cox, “She has a way with it.”

Aniston and Cox almost played each other

Initially, Aniston auditioned to play the neurotic Monica, while Cox auditioned to play the spoiled Rachel — but there was no fighting over the roles.
“I think we both just thought the other was better for the other part,” Aniston said.