
4 things to know before adopting a dog

Maybe it’s seeing your buddy play fetch with his pup in the park, or walking by a sad-eyed mutt staring at you from the pet store window.

Whatever the trigger, you want a dog now.

But before you start searching for your new best friend, you need to do your homework. Having a dog is incredibly rewarding, but can also be very demanding.

Sadly, a lot of people don’t realize this until it’s too late. Nearly 4 million dogs end up in shelters every year, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).

You’re ready for the unconditional love, but are you ready for the responsibility? Here are four major things every potential dog parent needs to know.

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1. It’s a long-term relationship.

Think about your life 10 years from now. Want to have kids? Hope to transfer to your company’s headquarters in the big city?

Now think about how your dog would fit into those plans.

For example, you and your wife might love a tiny Yorkshire terrier now, but that’s a breed that doesn’t always get along with young children. So having a kid down the line could be problematic.

Maybe you have plenty of room in your back yard for a golden retriever to run around. But if you someday downsize to an apartment without much space for your buddy to play, it’ll be a tough adjustment.

One of the major reasons why dogs end up in shelters is because people pick one that doesn’t ultimately fit their current lifestyle, says Stanley Coren, Ph.D., who studies canine intelligence at the University of British Columbia.

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And while a dog’s lifespan is hard to predict, “in general, you should prepare for at least a decade-long commitment,” Coren says.

Some larger dogs like labs or collies can live to 12 or 13, while smaller dogs like terriers can live beyond 15.

2. Your schedule will now revolve around your dog.

Say goodbye to sleeping in on the weekends and heading straight to happy hour after work. Your dog depends on you for food, exercise and bathroom breaks — and once you start him on a routine, he’ll expect to follow it to a T.

So you really can’t be gone for more than eight hours unless you have someone coming in to check on your dog at least once during that stretch of time, says Meredith Stepita, D.V.M., of Veterinary Behavior Specialists in Clayton, California.

That counts for crated dogs, too. They still need to stretch their legs and do their business.

And no more last-minute travel plans. Unless you have a friend or family member who is cool with dropping everything to watch your dog — if so, can we have their number? — you’ll have to arrange for boarding at least a few days in advance, Stepita says.

Most kennels don’t have room for same-day walk-ins. In fact, if it’s your dog’s first time at the kennel, many will require him to come in for a trial day to make sure he gets along with other dogs.

3. You’ll be paying for more than just kibble.

Overall, you can expect to fork over an average of $3,085 during the first year with your dog — and around $23,000 over the course of his lifetime, according to estimates from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.

That obviously includes the basics: food, supplies (like a leash, crate, bed and bowls), toys, and regular medical care like annual checkups, spaying or neutering, vaccines, and flea and heartworm prevention meds.

Related: Can your pet make you sick?

Then factor in a few grooming appointments a year — essential for dogs with long fur to prevent matting — as well as boarding or a dog walker if you work long hours or have to travel often.

And don’t forget obedience classes. If you want your dog to follow basic commands (like sit and stay) and perform YouTube-worthy tricks, you need to put in the time to teach him.

Consider signing up for a beginner’s training class — most pet stores, like PetSmart, offer solo or group sessions — to teach your dog the essentials.

Related: 5 things you should never do in front of your dog

4. You should expect the unexpected.

Dogs are curious creatures who love to explore their environments, says Stepita.

The downside: “Some might be prone to eating things that could potentially be toxic or get stuck in their intestines.” They can also book it across streets, jump off ledges, or roll around in tick-filled poison oak.

All of those things could mean sky-high vet bills for you. So you might want to invest in pet insurance.

Petplan and Healthy Paws are generally considered to be the two best options for dogs, and your employer may even offer some benefits.

Depending on your coverage plan, you could pay anywhere from $20 to 50 a month and get protection for cancer, accidents, prescription medications and surgeries.

But if you choose to enroll, know that pre-existing conditions usually aren’t covered. That’s why it’s best to sign up when your little guy is still a pup.