
Sanitation worker led cops on chase in his sweeper truck

A city street sweeper driver led cops on a slow speed chase in his broom-mobile after he was caught on camera chucking trash at a crucifix outside of a Brooklyn church, police sources said.

Sanitation worker Roman Protas, 38, was wearing his green DSNY uniform when he was seen throwing garbage at the statue of Jesus outside of the St. Francis de Chantel Church in Canarsie, the sources said.

Cops confirmed the report with surveillance footage captured outside the church, but when they finally caught up with Protas at Avenue L and East 9th Street, he tried to escape in his street sweeper, according to sources.

“He was weaving in and out of traffic, but they finally stopped him,” a police source said.

Protas was slapped with a slew of charges, including fleeing an officer in a motor vehicle, reckless endangerment and criminal possession of a controlled substance, police said.

Cops found a prescription medication for bi-polar disorder on him, police sources said.

He was awaiting arraignment on Thursday evening.

According to SeeThroughNY, Protas made $75,708 as a sanitation worker in 2015.